2016년 11월 6일 일요일

Google’s Design Guidelines for Virtual Reality

Goolge의 Cardboard Team에서 제시한 VR Design을 위한 가이드라인을 소개한다.

1. Using a Reticle (십자선을 이용하라!)

Without a visual aid it's hard to tell when objects are actually in the center of your view. Overlaying a visual aid or "reticle" makes targeting objects much easier. The best reticles are unobtrusive and react to interactive elements in the environment.
2 UI Depth & Eye Strain (UI는 대략 3m 거리에서 최적이 되도록 하라!)

Many things affect text legibility. Font size, contrast, spacing, and more play a role. Virtual reality adds another factor: depth. About 3 meters from the viewer is a good distance for a comfortable UI. It's far enough away to be comfortably legible, but close enough to not interfere with most scenes.
3 Using Constant Velocity (일정한 속도를 유지하고 필요시 서서히 변하도록 하라!)

VR can make people feel sick in some situations, such as during acceleration and deceleration. Good motion is smooth, with constant velocity.
4 Keeping the User Grounded (사용자의 공간감을 잃지 않도록 하라!)

It's easy to become disoriented in virtual environments. You should always include plenty of reference points so that the user can understand their surroundings.
5 Maintaining Head Tracking (머리의 움지임을 계속 추적하라!)

The key to virtual reality is smooth, low-latency head tracking. No matter what, make sure at least one element in the scene always maintains head tracking.
6 Guiding with Light (빛의 색상을 이용해 안내하라!)

Designing for VR means designing for 3D spaces. This creates a challenge of drawing the user's attention. A common technique in video game design is to leverage lighting cues. While subtle, users will be drawn to the brightest part of a scene.
7 Leveraging Scale (크기에 대한 비교 척도를 잘 활용하라!)

Large differences in scale between user and environment are very effective in virtual reality. Use scale to affect how the user perceives their environment and their physical size in the world.
8 Spatial Audio (입체사운드를 활용하라!)

When triggering audio or other events, consider leveraging the user's position and field of view. It's an effective way to engage the user and immerse them in the environment.
9 Gaze Cues (사용자의 시선을 활용하여 인터렉션하도록 하라!)

In VR, you always know where the user is looking. The user's gaze can be utilized as a cursor to trigger passive interactions in the environment. This can help you reveal more information about the world.
10 Make it Beautiful (최대한 멋지게 꾸며라!)

Virtual reality is a carefully crafted illusion. The better your experience looks, the better the illusion. Take every opportunity to optimize the visuals of your world.

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